Here is an early concept for the game I did few months ago : )
Got a Twitter as well now @PierreEtienneTr
Cfsl artbook 05/ Digital Master vol6
Hi folks!
A bit of promotion today : ]
I m featured in CFSL artbook 05!
An amazing book of 300 pages with a lot of talented artistfrom the community. They help me a lot to find my way as an illustrator and I meet a lot of amazing people there to the point some are really close friends now Paul Chadeisson, Anthony Wolf, Olgenki Leo Lafarges, Made... they are to manyof them! And a special thanks to Mathias Verhasselt (bigup!) who help me to take the right decision to leave my graphic design school 4 years ago now :]

I'll also be featured in the coming 3D totals artbook "digital master vol 6". I have done a tutorial for a picture I did some time ago. Some really amazing artists are featured as well like ruanjia (this guy is just a god!!!)
If you pre order it you will get a card game as a bonus :]
Here is the link to pre order it: